I got this from The Six O'Clock Scramble. I wish this recipe didn't rely on a convenience food like junky old stuffing mix, but darnit, these are tasty and easy to make, and my whole family scarfed 'em down!!
4 oz reduced-fat sour cream
1 T Dijon mustard (optional*)
salt and pepper to taste
2 C dry stuffing mix (either herb-seasoned or cornbread)
2 pkg (about 2 lbs) chicken tenderloins (or use boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips)
Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease a large baking sheet.
Put the sour cream in a shallow bowl and stir in the mustard, salt and pepper. Put the stuffing mix in another shallow bowl or on a plate and crush it into smaller pieces, without completely pulverizing it.
Dip each piece of chicken in the sour cream mixture, shake off the excess, then roll and press the chicken in the stuffing, coating each piece as well as possible. Put the coated chicken strips on the baking sheet and spray the top of the strips with cooking spray.
Bake for 20 minutes or until cooked through and lightly golden.
8 servings.
* The recipe says this is optional, but please use it. It adds a nice dimension to the flavor without tasting overly mustardy at all.